Don’t Just Network, Engage!

“There’s no denying that building a professional network is critical for successful business owners, and networking is a great way to establish new contacts and engage with and learn from others,” says Ed Stevens,Chairman and CEO of Stevens StrategicCommunications,...

Core Values

What are your Company’s Core Values and Why Are They Important? What does a company stand for? What values do its employees embody? What do its products contribute to the world? Answering these questions succinctly, but meaningfully is challenging but worth pursuing...

Hiring Based On Core Values

Why You Should Be Willing to Hire on Core Values   Over the last three months I have been exploring the different aspects of Core Values and how they affect your organization. This month I want to discuss how your Core Values should inform your hiring decisions....

Awesome At Anything!

The 4 Step Process to Being Awesome at Anything We are all good at something. Some of us are great at one thing. But few of us reach a level of complete mastery at anything. Learning new things engages your prefrontal cortex, which operates via your working (i.e.,...