by Simon Ellett | Mar 5, 2018 | March 2018 Newsletter
In January this year a single class at Yale University registered over 1,200 students for one class – the biggest in Yale’s 316 year history. That class was PSY 157, Psychology and the Good Life, better known on campus as “The Happiness Class”. But what would...
by Simon Ellett | Feb 2, 2018 | February 2018 Newsletter, Uncategorized
Many of the articles I write are aimed at the entrepreneurial community, and I’m sure many of you consider yourselves to be entrepreneurs………but are you really? I was recently challenged to answer the question “Is there a difference between being self employed,...
by Simon Ellett | Apr 10, 2017 | September 2016 Newsletter
Is the Age of the Great American Entrepreneur Dead? Will the Age of Entrepreneurship die with the rise of the Millennial workforce? The statistics tell one side of the story: Start-up rates amongst 20-34 year old (a group we now call “the Millennials”) was only...
by Simon Ellett | Apr 10, 2017 | March 2017 Newsletter
The business leaders and startup founders of tomorrow, will be the young kids of today whose parents have raised them with an entrepreneurial spirit – a skill that is increasingly important as young people flood the startup world and the freelance economy grows....